At Acorn Plating, we offer sulphuric anodising to all aspects of the engineering trade.
We can anodise parts in almost any colour with the exception of white.
Currently our colours available are:
Clear/ Natural/ Silver - (All the same thing - Just anodised with no dye)
Blue *
Gold *
Orange *
Green *
Bronze *
Brown *
Grey *
Pewter *
Lime Green * (* denotes colours available in various shades)

Pricing - Sulphuric Anodising
We base our anodising prices on how many will fit on a jig and in each vat load.
Pieces start at around £0.35 for clear anodising and £0.45 for colours including black.
Masking and dying requirements will also have an effect on the costing.
These prices are calculated by the number of parts that can fit on a jig, how many of those jigs can fit in a Vat load at one time, and other factors including complexity of jigging, and masking and colour requirements etc.
The minimum charge for sulphuric anodising is currently £100.00 increasing to £150 from 1st May 2024.
Sizes and Other important information
Our Sulphuric Anodising vats are over 2 meters long.
While this does mean that in theory, we could anodise parts up to those lengths, our rinse, dye and seal tanks are much smaller so we can only accommodate parts up to 1 meter in length.
Parts delivered to us for anodising should be as clean as possible and it is important that the following points are noted as any of the following will compromise a quality finish and potentially cause irreversible effects or delays in processing your work.
Parts must contain no steel inserts, helicoils or other non aluminium fittings.
Parts should arrive to us in the condition you expect them to be returned to you. Scratches, burrs or dents will show up through the anodising unless you have requested the components to be physically dressed out before treatment.
All jobs must be accompanied by a Purchase Order detailing quantities, treatments, special requirements etc.
No jobs will be started unless accompanied by a Purchase Order without prior agreement.
If possible, drawings with masking and/or jigging requirements should also be supplied if applicable.
Please ensure that components made from tooling plate are clearly marked as such.
Please avoid allowing high tack tapes to come in contact with parts delivered to us as the glue is sometimes difficult to spot until after it shows up after anodising.
For any special colour requirements or quote requests, please contact steven@acornplating.com